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@psidentityAugust 10th, 2018

The T1Autograph Android library has been updated to v2.0.1 (build 9). This minor update corrects back button misbehavior, removes logging messages, and prevents signatures from being erased unnecessarily. Documentation for both the iOS and Android versions is available on the T1Autograph product page. Show release notes

  • Fixed
    • Android back button now behaves as expected when a T1Autograph modal is shown from a fragment.
    • The drawing canvas is no longer cleared when the Autograph view is translated when a soft keyboard is displayed.
  • Other changes
    • Some debug logging messages were removed.

Note: You may specify the latest version in your gradle file.

implementation 'com.tenonedesign.t1autograph:t1autograph:2.0.1'

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