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@psidentityJanuary 15th, 2021

The T1Autograph iOS library has been updated to v2.0.4 (build 49). This update is distributed with an XCFramework, replacing the older framework fat binary system. It is also available through Swift Package Manager. Documentation for both the iOS and Android versions is available on the T1Autograph product page. Show release notes

  • Updated
    • Improves support for recently-released iOS devices

// Swift Package Manager // Carthage cartfile binary "" ~> 2.0 // Cocoapods podfile pod 'T1Autograph', '~> 2.0'

Carthage compatibility issue: As of January 15, Carthage has not yet added support for libraries vendored with xcframeworks. Until then we recommend forcing the previous version with "== 2.0.4" in your Cartfile. When building in XCode 12.3 or later, find "Validate Workspace" in your target build settings. It should be set to "No". However, please note the setting must be bold, indicating it is overwriting the project setting. Change the value to "Yes" and then back to "No" to accomplish this.

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