The T1Autograph iOS library has been updated to v2.0.4 (build 48). This minor update adapts for the new swipe-to-dismiss behavior of modal views in iOS 13. It also offers improved appearance when the device is in dark mode. Documentation for both the iOS and Android versions is available on the T1Autograph product page. Show release notes
- Updated
- Adapts for the new swipe-to-dismiss behavior of modal views in iOS 13.
- Improved appearance when the device is in dark mode.
Note: if you’re using CocoaPods (or similarly with Carthage), your podfile should show something like this:
pod 'T1Autograph', '~> 2.0'
A final note about dynamic frameworks: The App Store may still be rejecting apps containing simulator binary slices. T1Autograph (and most other frameworks) include these slices so you can work in the simulator. There’s a handy script available to trim out any frameworks you might be using at build time.
Latest library and demo projects Release history for T1Autograph
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