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@psidentityMarch 23rd, 2018

The T1Autograph iOS library has been updated to v2.0.0 (build 42). This major update adds a lot of features and makes a few important changes. There are no major breaking changes to the API, but some defaults are different, so please read the full release notes. Oh! One more thing. T1Autograph is now available on the Android platform. Now you can capture smooth, consistent, and accurate signatures on any device (except blackberry (and windows phone)). It launches as v2.0 with feature parity with the iOS version. We expect major updates to stay in lockstep between the platforms. Point releases may be more frequent on the Android side as the implementation matures. Thanks again for using T1Autograph. We hope it continues to be of good service to you. Updated documentation for both the iOS and Android versions is available on the T1Autograph product page. Show release notes

  • New
    • SVG signature output is now available. This is great for displaying in HTML documents, or anywhere a lightweight scalable signature format is preferred. Use T1Signature.svgString to access the SVG as a string.
    • By popular request, T1Autograph now provides a standards-compliant biometric interchange data according to ISO/IEC 19794-7:2014 AMD 1:2015. This XML document contains all data collected during the signature event, including position, velocity, acceleration, pen pressure, pen azimuth, pen elevation, and timestamps. If you are new to this format, there is a great public explainer of it here (no paywall).
    • Improved signature rendering speed. In most cases, the signature will now be available instantly as the done button is tapped.
    • The signature timestamp can now be added to a signature after the date. Set both showDate and dateIncludesTime to true.
  • Other changes
    • The default stroke width is now 4.0f instead of 6.0f. If you’re not setting it explicitly, make sure you are satisfied with the output as it may now differ.
    • Velocity and acceleration values are now calculated and available in units of meters/second.
    • The cryptographic hash and date locations have been updated slightly for more consistent results.
    • Custom hash string values may now be of any length (previously limited to 10 characters).
    • The T1Signature property rawPoints now excludes points outside of the signature bounds when clipSignatureBounds is true.

Note: if you’re using CocoaPods (or similarly with Carthage), your podfile should show something like this:

pod 'T1Autograph', '~> 2.0'

A final note about dynamic frameworks: The App Store may still be rejecting apps containing simulator binary slices. T1Autograph (and most other frameworks) include these slices so you can work in the simulator. There’s a handy script available to trim out any frameworks you might be using at build time.

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