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July 16th, 2015

The Autograph iOS library has been updated to v1.6.2 (build 34) with support for iOS 9. Please note: This release includes LLVM bitcode embedded within the binary, and will therefore cause linker errors in Xcode versions lower than 7. If you must use Xcode 6, you can download a special build with bitcode stripped out here. Show release notes

  • New
    • Updated lock symbol when including a crypto hash watermark on the signature
    • Added preliminary groundwork for pressure-sensitive screens. We plan to fully implement pressure sensitivity after the release of new Apple devices in September. At that time, the T1SignaturePoint class will have a non-zero pressure property on supported devices.
    • Removed debug symbols for a streamlined binary size.
    • Added LLVM bitcode support.
  • Fixed
    • Crash in iOS 9 caused by unretained png data.
    • Updated T1Autograph.h usage instructions and T1Signature.h description of raw points.

Note: if you’re using CocoaPods, your podfile should show something similar to:

pod 'T1Autograph', '~> 1.6.2'

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