I’ve been putting a Magnus Air through its paces lately and it's been a lot of fun see the product shine. The stand is a great spot to just click your iPad in and let it charge. You’ll be able to feel when the magnets connect and are secure. It would work nicely as a picture stream frame, if that’s your fancy. Magnus will stay attached when you pick up your iPad, which is handy for a couple of other applications. I use an iPad to display recipes while I’m cooking, which it’s perfect for. Of course, I know a ton of people will be watching TV shows and movies on a Magnus – it’s perfect for traveling, or on a nightstand, or if you’re my style, next to your TV for two shows at once!

Magnus Air’s new trick within the product family is the horizontal mode. The rear curve has a flat rubber nub that allows it to be used in keyboard orientation. A quick tip here – don’t try to adjust the angle; there is a sweet spot where the stand likes to sit, and that’s where you have stability.

The angle is comfortable for typing extended emails or taking notes. I tried out some drawing apps and was pleased with the feel. Strategy/board-type games would also benefit from the stand. I wanted to play Civilization Revolutions, but I figured I should be writing this blog.
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